Why Doesn’t Governor Romney Campaign on Jobs?

I know there is a lot of discussion lately about Governor Romney, his wealth, his personal financial policies and the policies that he might adopt as President. I admit, economics are not my strong suit. I very nearly failed Accounting 101 in college, and the class was self-paced, pass/fail. So I acknowledge that there may be a clear and simple answer to something I don’t understand, which is: if trickle-down economic theory says that it’s important to foster wealth among the wealthy, who will in turn drive the economic engine that results in greater wealth – and presumably jobs – for the less-than-wealthy, why doesn’t Mr. Romney highlight the vast numbers of American jobs that have been created as an ancillary benefit of his tremendous personal wealth? For someone whose net worth is estimated on the high side of $200 million, he should have an abundance of evidence to substantiate the merit of trickle-down economics. It seems he would be uniquely suited based on his personal wealth alone, to make the case for trickle down theory, and that it would be a compelling campaign strategy. On the other hand, given such tremendous wealth, if he can’t document the benefit to the country as an economic by-product of his wealth, he represents a singularly important example of the abject failure of the theory. So, why doesn’t Mr. Romney campaign on the jobs that have been created as a direct benefit of his substantial wealth?

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  1. Pingback: Personal Bias Check: Mormon? Wealthy? | One Hundred Year Horizons

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